Board of Auditors - in office since 15/11/2021

Dott. Biagio GIORDANO
(membro e Presidente)
Dott.ssa Paola MARINI (membro effettivo)
Dott. Mohammad BAHELI (membro effettivo)

Dott.ssa Elisabetta PIOLI
(membro supplente)
Sig.ra Francesca FERRETTI (membro supplente)

Board of Auditors - in office until 14/11/2021

Dott. Gianluca DENTE
(membro e Presidente)
Dott.ssa Antonella DE PASQUALE (membro effettivo)
Dott. Piergiorgio DINI (membro effettivo)

Dott.ssa Giuseppina BELARDI
(membro supplente)
Sig.ra Francesca FERRETTI (membro supplente)


According to the law in force, the College of Auditors is composed by 3 members and two alternates designated by the Minister of Infrastructures and Transport, selected from the list of Legal auditors, or between people with specific professional skills.

The President of the College and an alternate member are appointed by the Minister of Economy and Finance.

The members of the College remain in charge for 4 years and can be reconfirmed for other 4 years.