Progetti europei
Ultimo aggiornamento: 13 gennaio 2025, 16:29
- Reg (UE) n.508/2014 – PO FEAMP 2014/2020 priorità 4: “Sviluppo locale di tipo partecipativo (CLLD)”. Azione 2.3 “I luoghi della pesca e di sbarco”. CODICE PRATICA 03/SSL/16/MA-22/SSL/20/MA
- DIGSEA- DIGitalisation of multimodal transport in the Adriatic SEA
- Progetto SUSPORT Sustainable Ports
- ECOWAVES -Rafforzare la cooperazione nella gestione dei rifiuti delle navi
- PROGETTO MIMOSA - MarItime and MultimOdal Sustainable pAssenger transport solutions and services
- SMART-C “Scalo MArotti viRTual Corridor” Action No: 2018-IT-TM-0106
- Progetto PROMARES - Promoting maritime and multimodal freight transport in the Adriatic Sea
- Progetto ADRIGREEN - Green and Intermodal solutions for Adriatic airports and ports
- Progetto REMEMBER - REstoring the MEmory of Adriatic ports sites. Maritime culture to foster Balanced tERritorial growth - programma ITALIA-CROAZIA
- SMART-C “Scalo MArotti viRTual Corridor” Action No: 2018-IT-TM-0106
- Progetto PROMARES - Promoting maritime and multimodal freight transport in the Adriatic Sea
- Progetto ADRIGREEN - Green and Intermodal solutions for Adriatic airports and ports
- Progetto REMEMBER - REstoring the MEmory of Adriatic ports sites. Maritime culture to foster Balanced tERritorial growth - programma ITALIA-CROAZIA
- CHARGE – Capitalization and Harmonization of the Adriatic Region Gate of Europe
- NEWBRAIN – Nodes Enhancing Waterway bridging Adriatic-Ionian Network
- CIRASIM - Cold IRoning ASsessment Implementation Model