Central Adriatic Ports Authority is partner of MILEPORT project, “Improving the last MILE accessibility of Adriatic PORTs”, financed under the Italy-Croatia 2021-2027 programme and aiming to improve the last mile accessibility of the Adriatic ports with the respective hinterlands through the digitalization of the intermodality services, contributing to increase the environmental performance of the maritime transport.

The pilot action implemented by Central Adriatic Ports Authority in MILEPORT consists in the optimization of the existing Artificial Intelligent system that allows the tracking and tracing of trucks embarking and disembarking in the port of Ancona and, in cooperation with the National Customs Agency, the full digitalization of customs procedures by the operators. 

MILEPORT project will contribute to the works for the installation of the cameras along the path from the entry/exit gates to the Scalo Marotti area, customs parking located outside the port circuit area, to ensure the thorough control of the trucks’ movements in the port of Ancona.

The project is leaded by Port Network of the Eastern Adriatic Sea and involves the following partners:

North Adriatic Sea Port Authority - Ports of Venice and Chioggia (IT)

Port of Ravenna Authority (IT)

Central Adriatic Ports Authority (IT)

Southern Adriatic Sea Port Authority (IT)

Port of Rijeka Authority (HR)

Port of Zadar Authority (HR)

Port of Ploče Authority (HR)

Total duration of the project is 30 months, from 1st February 2024 to 31st July 2026, and its total budget is 2,575,574.60 €.

The Central Adriatic Ports Authority budget amounts to 291,650.00 €

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